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A member registered Apr 28, 2020

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It took a bit of time to learn the mechanics, however you did an amazing job with this game. the level of detail is astonishing, the cute little robot ball is my favorite part. i can tell that a lot of time was put into this and i think that if you worked more on this game it could even release as a game on steam. great work

(1 edit)

I really enjoyed this game, while it took a bit of time to learn but it was still a great game, beautiful environment that you've created. 

I like the idea of a game like this, but sadly i couldnt play it. For some reason it was only outputting to my left eye, and it ruined the experience, don't get me wrong, i still attempted to play, but that was an issue that was hard to overlook, i think with more work this could be a game that is really fun to play.

Amazing visuals, gameplay, animations, and atmosphere, i really like how you dont have an unlimited amount of TP and are required to time your shots to make it through each round

Check out our game if you'd like and give us some feedback. Thank you

This is a really cool game, great concept, and the arm mechanic mixed with the Sound FX's make it even better, check out our game when you get a chance

what headset were you trying to play our game on, maybe we can create a way to play it

thank you so much for taking the time to play our game. To cover a few points you brought up. I agree that the map and scale was huge. Im use to creating massive landscape environments and i kind of took a similar approach to this one. I think had the map been smaller I could have polished it better and made a more interesting map. For gun mechanics. The firing is a bit difficult and takes time to get use to, I feel as if though we could've increased the size of the disks and also made the record holster a bit larger. And for movements, we attempted to add teleportation but had to scrap it on the last day since you're able to teleport through the buildings if you push into them. 

Again thank you for your time playing and for your review. 

     Kind regards

           -Mason (Level designer)

I have it downloaded and its up on my list to play when I get off work 

I have a gtx 1070 i9-9700k and 24gb of ram. I should've been able to play it 

Thank you so much for playing our game. It was a lot of work creating that scale in just 7 days. But we accomplished it. Glad you enjoyed it

For some reason i could not play the game, the frame rate took a dive when i loaded it